Thursday, August 13, 2015

Open Allegany FAQ


Frequently asked questions

Q1: Is this a political party?
A2: No. Allegany County has those already, and while additional parties are welcome, our principles are larger than any party. Rather than run our own candidates, we’d love to see all candidates from all parties, and all their appointees and agents, endorse our principles in word and deed.

Q2: Why are you recruiting non-residents as well as residents? Non-residents can’t even vote here.
A2: You’re thinking like a political party. We’re thinking bigger than that. Government actions and community attitudes don’t affect only the 29 percent of Allegany County residents who voted in the 2014 general election. They also affect the majority of residents who are non-voters. They also affect people who live elsewhere but work here, attend school here, own property here, or visit family here. Our county must be open to all these people as well.

Q3: By “outsiders and minorities,” do you mean even those [insert epithets of your choice here]?
A3: Yes, even them. We mean everyone, because Allegany County needs everyone. If you disagree, then don’t sign our pledge.

Q4: Who are you?
A4: See the names on the pledge. We’re your friends, neighbors, classmates, relatives, co-workers.

Q5: Why do you want contact info from people who sign the pledge?
A5: We want to confirm people’s interest, and we want to stay in touch with individuals over time, for example to make sure they still have ties to Allegany County. We also want to update people on the movement occasionally. We pledge never to spam the group, nor to publish the contact info, nor to sell or give the contact list to other entities.

Q6: This sounds great. How can I give you money?
A6: Please don’t! To receive financial donations, we’d need to file for non-profit status, which would require us to have a treasurer and a lot of other things that would make us, in effect, a political party. That’s not us.

Q7: How can I help, then, if you don’t want my money?
A7: Lots of ways. Sign our pledge, and recommend it to others. Flood the media with the message, especially social media, always with a link to the pledge. Speak out in opposition when you see the principles of Open Allegany violated, and speak out in support when you see them honored. Be a force for openness in all your communities. If you have additional ideas, please share them with us. We’d also like our website eventually to be a clearinghouse of links to legally available public information about all aspects of life in Allegany County, so please send tips, requests and forwards.

Q8: How do we contact you?
A8: At or

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If you'd like to sign the pledge, please provide your first and last names (plus nickname, if you like), how best to contact you, and what your connection is to Allegany County (for example, resident of Frostburg, employed in Cumberland, student at FSU). Contact info won't be published. Thanks!